His name is Naoto Matsumura, and he is the last man standing in the ghost town of Tomioka. Another farmer, Kenji Hasegawa's town of Iidate was also evacuated due to high levels of radiation, he sought refuge in temporary housing. Faced with a postnuclear world both these men share brutally honest views on the state of their lives, TEPCO, government inaction and some of the hardest situations they have had to face in the midst of overwhelming radioactivity.
It’s extraordinary. I admire so much
people like that. This man is a true example to be followed. Many times we care
only about ourselves and in the occasional circumstance of caring about others,
we care only about our resemblances, we don’t even think of animals.
What makes a human deserves respect,
rights, love and care is the fact that we have feelings and not shallow
resemblance. What we have that makes us earn rights, animals have too.
Animals don’t deserve to be put in a
position so inferior to ours.
Animals are not things they are
beings, they deserve our help too whenever they need it. I only wish there were
more people like that.